JRL Interiors

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Tips for Beautiful Holiday Packages

It's no secret that I LOVE the holidays with all the beautiful lights and decorations and wonderful food!  But as a designer, color is one of the first things my eye sees and I have a need for my holiday decor to blend seamlessly with my home decor.  I addition to the tree, garland, and wreath ornaments and ribbons, I also like to color coordinate my packages under the tree. Beautifully wrapped packages are a lovely holiday tradition, and thoughtful packaging is as important as the gift inside!

Here are some suggestions for upping your gift packaging game:

Buy extra large rolls of nice quality wrapping paper in colors that echo your décor (I buy gold and silver and white, my tree décor colors).  Some may be winter or holiday-specific, but some can be used year-round.  Bonus Tip: Choose one color for each family member – this eliminates the need for gift tags or trying to find where you wrote a name somewhere hidden in the paper print!

Buy real ribbon.  Not only is it economically and ecologically sound to use real ribbon as it can be reused over and over, it also immediately bumps up the quality of the packaging.  It is much easier to work with than that wretched stuff they sell as Christmas ribbon, and so it makes wrapping faster as well as more festive!  I stock up on ribbon at the wholesale clubs (BJ’s and Costco) when they have it– they have wired ribbon for what amounts to less than 16 cents a yard…that just can’t be beat!  They have traditional holiday colors at Christmastime and assorted other colors in the spring.  I have amassed an embarrassing number of yards of ribbon, but I am never at a loss for just what I need!

Make lavish bows with more than one type and width of ribbon.  For especially large bows I use three different coordinating ribbons, for the smallest of gifts I use just one type. I like to mix opaque and sheer ribbons.

In addition to ribbons, try adding another decorative element occasionally.  Choose ones that support your overall design – is it Casual? Artsy? Formal? Elegant?  Nature inspired sprigs, berries or pinecones, candy canes or gingerbread men, ornaments, jingle bells…the possibilities are endless!

Put as many things in boxes as you can.  It is MUCH easier to wrap a box than an awkward shape.   I sometimes use decorative boxes that don’t even need wrapping paper and can either be reused or become part of the gift. 

Gift bags (in the coordinated colors) are fine in the mix, just don’t overdo it with them.  And don’t forget to add coordinating tissue peeking out of the top, and a ribbon or embellishment at the handle! I reserve them for things that really don’t fit in boxes nicely.

The goal is a pretty assortment under the tree. Just like when designing a room, it should have rhythm and balance with a variety of textures and shapes that relate but aren’t all alike.

Wishing you a Beautiful Holiday!