JRL Interiors

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Will a great sofa change my life?

We love our clients and we REALLY love to see how enthusiastic they are when they get a new, wonderful piece of upholstery! This sofa was delivered this morning and we just received this text:

"This couch is SOOOOOOO great.  I have been sitting on it all day.  I love it!  Bury me on this couch. : )"

Quality upholstery will pay for itself in longevity and comfort over and over.  Knowing what counts as quality is tricky because it is largely buried beneath the upholstery where you can't see it, and relying on marketing-speak is confusing..."hardwood frame" in some instances may include plywood,  Even "8-way hand tied springs", one of the hallmarks of quality, is often done in a poorer quality with less expensive materials in products coming from overseas.  Same with cushion fills.

A truly high quality sofa is expensive, but it is worth the price.

Contact us at JRL Interiors if we can help you with a sofa you will love this much!