Surrounding Yourself with the Treasures that Mean the Most

Have you considered moving to a smaller space, but aren’t quite ready to part with your treasured belongings? You are not alone!

Janet Lorusso 5 13 entry 1
Janet Lorusso 5 13 entry 1

Downsizing is a popular trend right now and the reasons for it vary widely … sometimes it is empty nesters looking for less to maintain and more freedom to travel and enjoy newfound leisure time, sometimes it is the result of a life-change like loss of a spouse due to death or divorce, and sometimes it is a move from sprawling suburbia to more compact city spaces to be close to work or to all the cultural opportunities the city has to offer (or both!).

Though the reasons are varied, the goal is always the same: to arrive at a place that still feels like home and to be surrounded with the things you treasure most.

Here are the top 3 challenges to moving to a smaller space:

1.  Not sure WHERE to move to

While this is a perfectly valid reason, a little research can help – check out different neighborhoods and areas to find one that resonates with you, then connect with a real estate professional so you get informed when something comes on the market in your preferred location.

2.  Overwhelmed by the idea of sorting through your stuff

There are professionals to help with this, but you can start immediately by tackling different areas one at a time and sorting and organizing. Sorting can be painful and time consuming, but far less so than the pain of storing or moving things you won’t really ever use. The popular The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up by Marie Kondo is an inspiring book on the subject of editing and organizing your belongings – even if, like me, you can’t buy into all of it, the premise is sound, and anything you can accomplish is a step in the right direction

3.  Worried about feeling at home with less of your stuff

Bringing the important things with you is the key – pictures, artwork, things with special memories attached. Thoughtful attention to the relocation of the things that make you smile every day is what will make you feel like your new space is truly YOUR home!

What’s the biggest challenge for you in considering downsizing or moving?

If you need help contact us today to get started, or learn more today about our ReNesting services.