JRL Interiors

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Thrift Store Decorating

Whether you are looking for interesting vintage furnishings or accessories to give life to a room, or interesting dishes to create a spectacular table, thrift shops can be a terrific resource.

You may have noticed I have a *slight* dish obsession/problem.  I love to entertain and I often need to style tables for photo shoots…or at least these are the excuses I use to feed my addiction.  

At least I’m really good at organizing a large number of items in a smallish storage space and fairly good at editing down to what I really love when space gets tight and the need arises.

I’ve always enjoyed the experience of shopping - seeing what’s out there… “inpuuuut” as Johnny 5 of Short Circuit fame is fond of saying.  And I’m just as happy at a great thrift store or a discounter as I am at a high end boutique or gallery…the thrill of bargain hunting on one end of the spectrum and the refined and pleasant experience of beautifully displayed wares on the other end. Both are great, and both offer the opportunity for something unique.

I’m happy shopping for pretty much anything; groceries, clothes, shoes, furniture, accessories, art, dishes…

Dishes are far easier to store than furniture, and since I love to cook and entertain, they are inherently useful.  And dishes always fit, no matter what size I am…so perhaps that explains my long-running addiction.    

My dear longtime friend and fellow intrepid shopper, Nancy, recently introduced me to a local-ish thrift shop that was just too good not to share!  It is located in Mendon, Massachusetts and is called The Blessing Barn.  even though I live just over 30 minutes away, I had never heard of Mendon…but this place is totally worth finding out where it is!.

My attention was, of course, focused on dishes.  

These beauties are the ones my friend, Nancy texted me about on her first visit and which I asked her to buy for me…yes, I confess to remote shopping!   They were scalloped so there was pretty much no question but that they should belong to me.  I thought they were luncheon size plates, which I collect with abandon to layer on my everyday white dishes, but it turns out they are Lenox dinner plates.

I luuuurve them! And they, along with a string of photos from the scene of the crime are what lured me to Mendon myself :-) 

A nice bonus to this barn featuring 4 jam packed floors of…well, everything (?!), is that the proceeds from their shop support their non-profit initiative, Compassion New England, that provides dignity and meets the practical needs of individuals and families in the region.  The Blessing Barn has two sister locations  - one in Beacon Hill, and a new one in Mattapan. 

On my maiden tour, we poked through clothing and purses, vintage dresses, gorgeous wedding gowns…all with ridiculously bargain basement prices. The furnishings apparently turn over quite rapidly and the day I visited, they were fairly low on upholstery, but still had a lot of case pieces.  There were some very pretty lamps, and some fabulous antique prams and doll carriages.  This would be an incredible place for a photography studio to find props!  

The displays are beautifully arranged by theme or color and it is a charming space that feels more boutique-like than most thrift stores. 

They had some interesting wall art like this collage of open books

And the dishes…oh my gosh - so many!  Many of the sideboards displaying dishes also had drawers full of vintage table linens too.  This is a styling paradise!

Of course, as with all thrift shops there were plenty of things in the “what were they thinking!” category.  I am always amazed at some of the stuff that gets manufactured and even more amazed that someone somewhere thought it was worth buying.  

I mean, I see no really good function for a life size pair of ceramic pumps.  I cannot imagine a kitchen where teddy bear canisters are appropriate decor, and this “Elvira called and wants her candlelamp back” thing just defies description. 

But there were great lamps, like this large, black and gold faux bamboo one.

And furniture like this fascinating vintage curio/desk piece,

a gazillion china and hutch pieces

and this scalloped console table that *almost* followed me home because. scallops.  Anything with scallops is pretty much destined to be mine.

And dishes and more dishes - from transferware

to fine china - there was a gorgeous cobalt blue and gold set of plates I almost bought…I can’t believe I didn’t take a picture!

to whiteware

to this pretty set of botanical plates - each one with a different flower.  Lucky for me, the plates weren’t pierced or scalloped on the edges so I was able to resist.  I already have too many similar things to justify them, but I love the designs.

to cut glass

to this adorable lusterware salt and pepper and mustard pot set.  I love the lines of the set and the tray they all fit in.

I managed to narrowly escape without anything…this time, but there’s always next time!